Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Media

1) Personally, I have been on four which are Facebook, Instagram, Blogger, and Twitter. Normally, I prefer getting on Facebook as it is easier to communicate with other people in my opinion. The only downside is that some Facebook posts on a news feed can be overly dramatic, but that is how life is seen sometimes. The statistics in the article (Yahoo Acquires Tumblr, Promises 'Not to Screw It Up') are as follows, "Yahoo claims the deal offers "unique opportunities" for both companies. Yahoo plans to deploy its personalization technology and search infrastructure to Tumblr, which should help users find relevant content more easily. On the other hand, Tumblr brings 50 billion blog posts, 300 million monthly unique visitors and 120,000 daily signups." 2) Virtual worlds are an online community in games. World of Warcraft is a good example of a virtual world. In virtual gaming, players can compete against another player or cooperate with other players. In a virtual world, I would like to be a mage. Most people use Second Life as their virtual world for a business. In the article, (Going to the virtual office in Second Life), "Virtual community Second Life is seeking to tap into that market by creating a new tool that allows businesses to have virtual meetings on their own computer networks."

1 comment:

  1. I basically use the same 4 social media sites and like you I prefer Facebook because I just find it easier to communicate with people on it.
