Monday, September 30, 2013

World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is about to enter the Cloud.  The Cloud is useful because data can be stored without taking up the memory.  That is why we see a bright future for the internet.
In the article, (Cloud Computing: As software migrates from local PCs to distant Internet servers,
users and developers alike go along for the ride.), Brain Hayes states that, "Whether it’s called cloud computing or on-demand computing, software as a service, or the Internet as platform, the common element is a shift in the geography of computation." (9)  That "shift" will make drastic changes for the internet in the future.
The Cloud will also have a major impact on Facebook graph search.  In the article, (Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature.), "Zuckerberg stressed Facebook was not getting into Internet searches, Google Inc's specialty." The data will be stored away after many searches.  In a database, it will be easier to memorize your search history.


  1. I also think that the internet is going to be mostly cloud computing.

  2. With so many services, Cloud servicing will definitely be a way of making big profit for companies and developers that are specializing in it, a new way of getting jobs and having something new in the market.

  3. The Cloud services I think are a huge thing that is up and coming and it is a revolution in the internet.
